Submission Documents

Submission Documents

The Independent Plan Examiner

The Independent Plan Examiner was Assistant Director, Economy, Environment and Culture at Herefordshire Council. He began working for the Council in 2006 after his initial appointment to the position of Head of Planning Services. From 2002 to 2006 he was Head of Planning Services at the Isle of Wight Council. He has 31 years experience in local government and with six local authorities. He also provides support and assistance to other local authorities in his capacity as an officer peer.

The following documents along with the final draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan were submitted to the Independent Examiner for inspection:

Doc.1 Shropshire Core Strategy 2011  -Please contact the Town Clerk to request a copy of this file

Doc.2 Much Wenlock-Samdev (revised preferred options 2013)

Doc.3 Much Wenlock Place Plan (2012-2013) -Please contact the Town Clerk to request a copy of this file

Doc.4 MWNP Plan Proposal (submitted to examination) 29th April 2013

Doc.5 MWNP Appendix.6 (public comments from statutory consultation)

Doc.6 MWNP Apendix.7 (statutory agency comments)

Doc.7 Representations to examination for Wenlock Estates (25th June 2013)

Doc.8 Site Deliverability Statement for Bridgnorth Road, Much Wenlock -Please contact the Town Clerk to request a copy of this file

Doc.9 RPS and mail@wenlockplan email (15th:17th January 2013)

Doc.10 Guidance note accompanying Neighbourhood Plan Residents’ Survey

Doc.11 List of basic conditions – Para.8 (2) Schedule 4B of Town and Country Planning

Doc.13 Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement for Shropshire Shrewsbury 2013

Doc.14 Email to Shropshire Council Policy Planners on flooding risk issue


Much Wenlock Neighbourhood Plan Review

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